Friday, May 1, 2009

We Too Shall Plunder

"I was wondering if I could call you 'My Bloody Valentine." Hilarious!

Here's another Soft Focus interview, between two men who crafted the soundtracks of my youth. It's really weird for me. Soft Focus might as well throw in Colin Newman.

I got the feeling that this was a sort of nervous exchange between two HUGE music nerds, stoked about meeting each other (if you are one, are dating one or are surrounded by musicans/music collectors, you know exactly what I'm talking about). People get the misconception that people that play music/collect music/spin music at clubs are cool and this is proof that we are not, at all. This is only interesting if you are one of these people and it is probably boring if you are not one of these people. I found it really engaging, but then again, MBV is my favorite band of all time.

Side note story: About 4 years ago I was djing at a friends house party in North Beach with M. That night, Teenage Fanclub played (I think it was at the Independent? Correct me if I'm wrong) and friends were piling into my friend's house as a sort of after show party/house warming (she was also friends with Teenage Fanclub. How? I have no clue). As we were putting on records in her kitchen, there was a rumor going around that Teenage Fanclub was going to stop by for drinks and to relax. People were getting excited at the chance to meet them and the overall vibe that night was really positive.

At around 1 in the morning, Teenage Fanclub popped in. It was cool, they had a couple of drinks, chatted with fans, etc. Honestly though, I'm not a huge fan and continued doing my thing.

After they left, I was putting on the next record. M taps me on the shoulder:

"Hey, do you want to meet Colm?"
"Hmmmm????" I say without looking up as I cue up the record.
"Do you want to meet Colm Ó Cíosóig?" (the drummer of MBV)

Apparently Colm was a long time San Francisco resident, as was his stunningly beautiful sister, Fionnuala (who played in Tigerbeat). At the time, I was not aware of this fact and I also did not know that M was friends with him. WTF???!!!!

Colm walked up to M and they did the "hey man, I haven't seen you in a while/ what are you working on" exchange. As they talked, my hands begun shaking and felt I was about to cry. I never knew I would be star struck, but then again, I never meet anyone from MBV.

He had also brought records (he spun in the city that night) and said "hey, do you mind if I play some of my records?" (What, am I going to say no?)

He played White Magic (this was long before anyone knew them) and obscure, live Joy Division recordings, which was really fitting for the end of the night. His lovely sister floated across the room and chatted with everyone.

Colm is the sweetest, kindest, most curious, down-to-earth and genuine person you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. There only seems to be an air of positive magic around him and I am thankful to have been blessed enough to be around it.

He lives in Los Angeles now, but visits SF often to randomly spin in the Mission and see friends. Every time we run into him, I'm still the bumbling idiot that barely says two words to him. He probably still thinks I'm mute.

Finally, In homage to this great meeting of two minds, here is my favorite band from my childhood other favorite band from my childhood. Enjoy.

MBV - Map Ref 41N 93W

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